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Women’s History Month and Logistics

March 18, 2021

Women in leading roles within the logistics industry is an unfortunately rare occurrence. However, at Continental Shipping Lane Freight Systems, we not only welcome women in this typically male-dominated field but place a high value on the range of perspectives brought through supporting and encouraging a diverse workplace. We know logistics is a career for anyone, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preferences, or physical abilities. Not just during Women’s History Month, but every day throughout the year we foster a work environment that prioritizes diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Historically, the logistic industry’s position within the manufacturing sector has, for many, meant that the legacy workforce is more male-dominated. Addressing perceptions that the logistics industry is a career option for a very specific type of person is a real challenge. In fact, the career options within the logistics industry are numerous and diverse. Today women are actively involved in operating forklifts, freight forwarding, and delivery too and there is a steady 10 to 15 percent increase year on year. In addition to careers in driving and warehouse operations, there are positions for business development and customer relations, for example.

Fostering a diverse workforce can contribute to the overall character of a company in terms of creativity, expertise, performance, innovation, and productivity. Inclusion has the power to uplift not only our business but the communities we serve nationwide. By supporting our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners, and cultivating diversity throughout the industry, we aim to help create a more just and equitable world. Women play a key role in the continued success of our industry. Performance efficiency doesn’t depend on gender, but by hiring and supporting diversity within the industry, we are able to encourage and promote the best within our industry, regardless of gender.

At Continental Shipping Lane Freight Systems, we not only recognize the value of diversity but also actively work to build and support diversity within our company and the industry as a whole. Supporting diversity is critical at the level of leadership roles, as a human resource’s initiative, and throughout not just our company but the industry leaders with whom we partner.

A diversity of personalities and backgrounds in the workforce is a boon for dynamic industries such as logistics. Hiring employees from various backgrounds helps bring completely novel ideas and processes to the table, encouraging growth and advancement at every level. We also recognize that an organization that embraces cultural diversity becomes more attractive to job seekers, thus enabling us to work with some of the industry’s best and brightest. Encouraging diversity in the logistics industry is critical as it will build a more positive perception about opportunities throughout the logistics industry, especially for female job seekers.

Customer service operators at Continental Shipping Lane Freight Sytems

At Continental Shipping Lane Freight Systems, one of our core values is teamwork, respecting one another’s views, and making our work environment fun and enjoyable. Encouraging a diversity of opinions and backgrounds is critical to achieving this core value. We know that ensuring diversity, equality, and inclusion within the logistics industry is not a box to check, but an ongoing process that must continue to evolve as the logistics industry does. We strive for excellence and quality in everything we do – from timely, proactive responses from our customer’s service, to ensuring an inclusive workforce- we want to be at the forefront of progress. We celebrate the insight and success women have brought to our industry this Women’s History Month and every other day of the year as well. To learn more about Continental Shipping Lane and our core values click here or contact us here.

Women's History Month and Logistics
Article Name
Women's History Month and Logistics
It's Women's History Month and we are celebrating women in logistics. Find out how we are growing women in the workplace and are able to encourage and promote the best within our industry, regardless of gender.
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Continental Shipping Lane Freight
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